"The sound of the orchestra is one of the most magnificent musical sounds that has ever existed" — Chick Corea
Ron Levy Music
For soprano and orchestra: 3333 4331 perc hp pno timp vox str | Duration: 15'
Click to hear premiere performance with soprano Linda Leyrer
Orchestra: 2222 4331 Perc Timp Str | Duration 9'
Click to hear premiere performance with South Coast Symphony
Orchestra: 2222 4321 perc timp str | Duration: 10'
Click to hear premiere performance with Orange Coast College Symphony
Tada! The King is here!
Orchestra: 2222 2100 timp str | Duration: 13'
Click to hear premiere performance with Idyllwild Arts Orchestra
Orchestra: 1112 2200 timp perc str | Duration: 14'
Click to hear premiere performance with Idyllwild Arts Orchestra
Festive overture composed during my Idyllwild residency
Orchestra: 313(+as)2 3210 gtr pno perc (mar, tri) Str | Duration 5'

Five Pieces for Solo Vibraphone
Salt Spacewalk ...
total duration: 00000

Paradise Music
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