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Flute Sonata was composed for flutist Mary Palchak.

The 3-movement work is cast in standard sonata form; all the themes were developed from earlier piano pieces of mine.

The idea was to make a classical sonata from pop materials.

The piece is very listenable and accessible.


Audio samples are from the premiere performance with Mary Palchak on flute and the composer at the piano.

Sonata for Flute and Piano (2018)

1. Flute Salad

2. Cookie Waltz

3. Jigsaw

I. Flute Salad  A latin rumba, the main theme is from my tune collection entitled Songs for the Rishi Ganesh which consists of catchy “pop” melodies that I thought might bear working out in a classical setting.

II. Cookie Waltz is based on my very first composition, Mookwipps #1 & 2.

III. Jigsaw is based on the contrasting middle section of the very same Mookwipps.
It is a sort of Gigue —  Jigsaw. Get it?

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