"The sound of the orchestra is one of the most magnificent musical sounds that has ever existed" — Chick Corea
Ron Levy Music

• Incidental Music
• Songs
• Scene Transitions
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Twelfth Night is ...
Incidental Music: Overture
the overture sets the tone with an overall comic feel which soon turns to stromy music, underscoring the storm at sea which brings the protagonists to Illyria (in the production, the strom was pantomimed prior to Shekspeares' opening scene)
Incidental Music: Enre'acte
The Enre'acte provdes a soothing respite between acts (the original production was in two main Parts with an intermission)
Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Fabian and Maria are plotting to make an idiot out of Malvolio.
The cue for this transition to their entrance in Act II Scene 5 is Orsino's line at the end of Act II, Scene 4: "My love can give no place, bide no denay":
Sir Toby is a bit of a drunken fool so his music has a bit of a limp to it - and a raucous growl as well